This message was edited for clarification.
Again! See note at end.
ridl wrote:me i'm thinking (without any research to back me up...) that this here looks like the longest improv yet. Am I right?
I decided to do the research and came up with the following information. Assuming "Whose Mind Is It Anyway?" ends tomorrow, then we would have the following lengths for MI comics (the numbers in the first column are the duration of each comic in days):
108 Meadow of the Damned - Total
87 Whose Mind Is It Anyway? (hypothetical duration)
84 But No One Ever Noticed the Walrus
58 Monkey Town
54 Meadow of the Damned - Part Two
46 Meadow of the Damned - Part One
28 Somnivore
23 Flap those Flagella Like You Mean It!
21 A Bucket Full O' Kittens
20 Robots Love to Dance!
20 The Evil that Men Forget to Do
18 Proto the Pet
18 Junk Bar
15 The Accidental Dentist
14 Brad's Somber Mood
10 Uninformed Bob
9 No One Tells Interesting Jeff What To Do!
8 Meadow of the Damned - Conclusion
8 The Parallelogram's Revenge
8 Zen Dating
7 I am The Most Beautiful Dog in The World
6 When Luna Smiles
3 Man-Eating Shoes
3 Inertia Man
1 Happy Town
0 Scott McCloud ? I know you are reading this. Choose one of the many titles I have submitted.
This list is based on the duration between the ending dates of the various MI comics, and therefore these numbers are not altogether reliable. I was able to get the correct duration for "Junk Bar" because Scott announced the date he restarted MI in his weblog (otherwise, it would have had a "duration" of 403 days). However, there are some other problematic numbers. "Scott McCloud ? I know you are reading this. Choose one of the many titles I have submitted." comes out with a duration of zero because it is listed as being completed on the same date as the previous MI comic, "Monkey Town". I have a vague recollection that this is correct; this was the last MI comic before Scott took his break and I think he may have finished "Monkey Town" and done SMIKYARTCOOTMTIHS the same day.
I arbitrarily assigned a duration of one day to "Happy Town", since it was the first Improv and so I cannot use my method to come up with any number for it.
I am sure the duration of 20 days for "Robots Love to Dance!" is too long. Since "Robots" concluded on January 8, 2002 and the previous comic ("Meadow of the Damned - Part One") concluded on December, 19 2001, I assume that Scott took some time off over the Christmas/Hanukah holiday season in 2001. However, his weblog (which was much spottier in its coverage back then) is silent on this matter, as far as I can determine.
(By the way, I am surprised to see that "The Parallelogram's Revenge" was completed in only eight days. It certainly generated a much higher 'discussion' to 'duration of creation' ratio than any of the other MIs, by far.)
In conclusion, (if any of you have made it this far, congratulations!) "Mind" will be longer, in time for completion, than any other single MI entry. But if we count complete stories, as I think we should, then "Mind" doesn't look likely to surpass "Meadow of the Damned: the Complete Comic", unless Scott was wrong when he said that "Mind" was nearing its end some days ago.
I promise I won't edit this message any more, but I wanted to make it as clear as possible to someone searching these archives in the future that the duration of 87 (formerly 85 days) given for Whose Mind Is It Anyway? above was hypothetical and not actual.