Discuss Scott McCloud's current online comic project. Be sure to check out <a href="http://www.scottmccloud.com/comics/mi/mi.html">the latest improv</a>!
If she was smart, she'd wack him in the face with the whole bag, and run. I got a bad feeling there's already a body (or parts thereof) in that sack in the cart.
Scott hasn't done a serial-killer strip yet, has he?
"Park the beers, and grab the smiles. It's flight time." - LtCdr. J. Robert "Bobby" Stone, USN (R.I.P.)
You know, I think we can be sure now that we're in Boston, because he isn't sure what her accent is, but thinks it's New York. If he was in New York, he probably wouldn't think that New Yorkers have an accent.
And yes, there are Dunkin' Donuts for every man, woman, and child in Boston. Nope, I don't know I have an accent.
Rip Tanion wrote:Scott hasn't done a serial-killer strip yet, has he?
I don't know about that... I think this guy's pretty harmless, even if a little disturbed. I doubt he's one o' them Stabbin' Bums.
He's one of those guys that are always being brought in for questioning on shows like Law & Order. They'll occasionally commit the crimes, but more often they're just spectators. They always talk kinda funny like, "yeah, I seem 'im," or "cain ya gimme a dollar?" (Okay, that guy was on Homicide.) They're never just a normal person that also happens to be homeless. And they're just about always men. You don't see many homeless women or children on those shows, at least not in that context. Maybe they'll be here and there for flavor, like if they have to find a particular homeless dude, then you'll see a bag lady that maybe knows where he hangs out, but she's never the direct spectator. Am I right?
I can't say I wasn't kind of expecting this. What's the deal? Does everyone in Boston have Dementia Gollumensis? I swear, if someone in this strip says "my precious" I'm gonna die *cough* "literally."
A great ending to this -- given the conclusion all "four" end up agreeing to go on a date together -- is guy's voice #1 telling guy's voice #2 that "He gets the cute one."
Maybe they're normal... maybe everyone in the world depicted has two personalities, or something of that nature. Maybe this is the first comic (that I know of) based on Julian Jaynes' The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.
this comic is so charming. the two of them "talking to themselves" simultaenously like that, it just made me laugh for some reason. this might be my favorite improv yet.
I've never posted before, but I've read the Improvs since... No One Tells Interesting Jeff What to Do!. And this one seems to stand out, as so far, there has been no existential pain or self-destruction. Well, maybe a little self-destruction. But as far as I can tell, most of the strips have been about death, with very little romance.
I like the fact that the different personalities in the characters heads don't have their own fonts. This is a pretty common way for comix people to show multiple personality/mind control what have you. It helps along the idea that the personalities are in the same persons head, and are more confusing than defined.
Yeah, so far this is a real heart-warmer. For all of his kidding, perhaps Scott really did follow up the controversy with something universally lovable. And instead of doing it with that lob that was "kittens" he did it with something tha twoudld seem to be setting up a darker style of story. And, looking back, I can't imagine it being done any other way.
Scott, you belong to a class of classy, down-to-earth experts who are also intellectuals...I mention it because a friend and I are trying our damnedest to coin a word for it. You know, people like you, Clay Shirky, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, TMBG...educated and scholarly but relevant, cool (even in a geeky way) and not dry.
If anyone has an idea...
And nice timing, moving from the endearing character introduction to the meat of the story.