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Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:45 pm
by Ricco
Hi all,

Just experimenting with a new thread. Suggested by our friend diegogue.
This thread will close out the rest of 2016 and will be followed up by a new monthly post starting Jan. 2017, if this thread is successful I'll start up a "looking for work" thread in 2017.

So any writers or artists seeking "COLLABS ONLY" with other writers,artists,inkers,colorists, and letterers try posting here.

The purpose here is to let Spam and other non collab posts fall off naturally.
Hopefully making it easier to find who or what we need when we need it.
Sure you can still post your own other threads looking for work, but PLEASE not on this thread. Just "COLLABS ONLY". Truthfully,I'm getting tired of bumping spam off the page, just too darn time consuming.

Hope this works out for all.

Inker looking for work

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 11:08 pm
by scrawl-dodger
Hi there!

My name is Jeremy and I'm an amateur comic enthusiast from the Caribbean. I'm willing to offer my services as an inker and even letterer to anyone willing to collaborate with me. Here is a link to my Deviant Art page: I can be contacted at:

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:14 am
by redemptioncomic
My name is Steve, and I am a writer. I have had multiple short stories and poems published over the years. Currently I have an artist working with me for my massive comic REDemption, but I have some other short stories that I was looking to have converted to comics.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:19 am
by zuperkrypto
I'm an artist looking for my next project. My gallery can be found here:

PM me with questions.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:36 am
by Riotradiofm
Hey there, the name is Sam. I'm a letterer who's been looking for work. As much as I would love paid work, I know this isn't always the case. Even looking for an on going project can be tough. Hopefully here there will be a couple people interested in my lettering and we can go from there.
My lettering samples can be found here:
You can also email me at
Thank you,

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:21 am
by noonecomics
Hello everyone,
I have a small gig for a writer, as the title of the thread suggest is a collab/unpaid gig .

what I have for you is a issue #0 gig with 12 pages of script needed to be done.

we are going to follow the "marvel method" I'll be doing the main idea or plot for those 12 pages and you come up with dialogue and whatever situations are needed for the history to take action.

this is for my main work called Blood Brothers I've working on looong years and this 2017 is finally coming out (march 2017)

if you are interested please check out

what I have to offer in exchange.

we can negociate art samples for your own book, I can help out with cover and other things.

If interested please send samples , links all the info you have to

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:26 am
by Riotradiofm
Hello to all you comic book creators out there. I am a letterer who has just finished a couple projects. If any of you amazingly creative people are in need of a letterer, I am looking for work. If you would like to check out some of my letterer samples, feel free to email me at and even check out my page here:
Hope to hear from some great and creative people soon!
Thank you,

Looking for Collab Team

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:37 am
by Jencity
Hey collab thread!

I'm playing with an idea for a superhero comic - I know, who isn't? The twist of the story is that it'll follow your typical "monster of the week" format. I don't want to divulge too much in an open forum. But here's what I can offer:

--Unique character set up. I've been reading comics for a long time, and I haven't run across anything like this.
--Lots of room for collaboration. Like I said, this will have a "monster of the week" set up, so there will be plenty of room for you to pitch ideas and have a major say in the direction of the story.

This is something I'd like to Kickstart, so I'm looking for a team to work with me to develop this. Artists, colorists, letterers. This will be an even split of the profits.

Email me to sign a quick NDA. Then I can throw some details your way. ^^

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:45 am
by PatriciaLoupee
I need a comic book logo designed, full credit will be given. This should be a simple work, with a lot of creative freedom. For more information, shoot me an email through the address on the signature!