is $15 a page for inked B&W work too low?

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is $15 a page for inked B&W work too low?

Post by phdillard »

I'm just curious. Any arrangement I've had with artists has been a split of potential profits/dual ownership of the property with no payment upfront. I'm working on a script for a new idea and planning on just paying an artist. I handle the writing, lettering (unless the artist insists on it as some do to ensure it "matches the art"), and printing. I just need someone to do about 25 pages (including front cover) of black and white pencils and inks.

If it were to be picked up by a publisher the artist would be kept on the project with a page rate and back end to be discussed at such a time (though I'm not naive here. I've received enough "thank you for your submisson"s to know not to hold my breath). If not picked up the artist could walk away with no hard feelings, or if he/she likes the project could continue to work on it.

I'm not looking for offers here, just asking the question. Would $15 a page be too low for the first issue? I have a decent job but also have 2 kids, so I can pay a little, but not a lot.
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Re: is $15 a page for inked B&W work too low?

Post by mikekennedy »

it really depends. Some guys are grateful for that. Especially young 'uns who anticipate working for nothing. I include myself in that bracket as a 19 year old who only recently has managed to prove myself and land 50 /40 dollar rates. Speaking of rates. The exchange rates plays massive part as living in the uk means 50 dollars hits 30 pounds which was £10 per job.(i was on art colours and letters) .so in hind sight. 15 dollars is pretty good.
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Post by SalviB »

15 is perfect for an up-and-coming artist. Yet, will he be lettering? Honestly, some artists will think they are better than that and will not accept that. Truth is, unless your signed or at least people outside of your circle know who you are than nobody is better than that. $15 is fine.
Ian Miller
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Post by Ian Miller »

It's good for an up-and-comer or hobbyist, but if you want to get good, pro-quality work then you'll have to pay higher.

Many writers want to do back end deals, as well, which can save them money in the long run. The only problem is the project may never get picked up or turn a profit, so you may be left with a very angry artist who did weeks' or months' worth of work for nothing.
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