Seeking Artist for Image Pitch - Crowdsourced

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Seeking Artist for Image Pitch - Crowdsourced

Post by RallyL »

Hello all,

I've been developing a series for a few months, but my artist has taken ill, so I'm looking for a replacement - sad to say, he was a great partner.

Right, so the idea was to develop an ongoing superhero series with a majorly subversive streak.

The story begins at the dawn of life on Earth. The most primitive lifeforms most basic impulses, "Feed," "Grow," Multiply" transmit like light waves through space, only much faster. They, and every solitary thought ever thunk on Earth travel billions of years to the edge of the known universe and there they collide with the proto-matter that's constantly expanding the universe. They combine to create trillions upon trillions of new lifeforms inspired by the essence of all these thoughts and they go about populating the universe in every direction, essentially as life's secondary response to propagate itself.

Among these, a very small handful propel themselves back towards Earth. And once they get there, all hell breaks loose, except the first group of these new lifeforms - right now we've been calling them the Starchildren - wants to steer all this upcoming change in a positive direction. And one of the first things they do is establish their own ambassador on Earth to mediate their chaotic will and to speak for Earth's lifeforms. In common superhero tradition they select a teenager, Robbie Sasha, to act as their herald. To establish how off-center the series will be right off, Robbie drinks a potion that will transform him into the world's first superhero (and much like Captain Marvel a counter-potion of sorts will transform him back), but instead of emerging as the he-man he's expecting he's transformed into a woman -- Augustine.

That's really just the beginning, but my hope is to create a character and story that confronts a lot of the major hangups of society and explores just what might happen if the power to change everything suddenly existed, and what the consequences might be. Almost all superhero stories defend an idea of status-quo but Augustine would invite the interesting challenge of what makes a superhero in a world where status-quo can't exist.

It's a pretty strange concept, no doubt, and hopefully I haven't lost you.

If anyone is interested, please send me a reply with some links to your work. I'd like to start fundraising so that we could develop this main cast of "Starchildren," "Robbie," Augustine," and some others together, and build a pitch for publication - what would amount to five or more pages of completed comics, a mock-up for a cover, a full proposal, the whole nine yards. I've been working on a script for a while, refining it, but if you're game I'd like to have as much of your input as possible from the start and build it up again with your sensibilities.

None of this will be cheap, I realize, so as with my former artist, I was hoping to crowdsource your fees. It'll mean breaking down exactly how much we'll need and then probably giving the campaign a solid month to build up. In the meantime we can plan and really get the substance of this thing going. I understand if many of you can't wait for the next job, but there's no way I'd ask anyone to tackle this material without pay and this is the only way to get you the pay you deserve.

At any rate, thanks for considering my proposal and the best of luck to everyone on the boards.
Joe Berridge Beale
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Post by Joe Berridge Beale »

So let me get this straight. Your protagonist is going to change the status quo of superhero culture via being genderbent? And you haven't decided on a story further than that? How is this an idea worth crowd sourcing? Stop wasting everyone's time and write an actual comic script.
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Post by lanerpcomics »

Joe Berridge Beale wrote:So let me get this straight. Your protagonist is going to change the status quo of superhero culture via being genderbent? And you haven't decided on a story further than that? How is this an idea worth crowd sourcing? Stop wasting everyone's time and write an actual comic script.
It's going to turn super hero comics on its head! It's not like every writer on these web forums has the same delusional notion that their idea is going to revolutionize the genre.
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Post by emocort »

can you show samples of the art you have up to this point? that might help bring people in if they can see what you are aiming for.
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Post by RallyL »

Thanks for the civil reply, emocort. As it happens I've found my replacement, but I'll heed everyone's advice in the future.

Beale, your indignation on the board is caustic and small. Let other people work how they want to work.
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