La trahison de Zwol

Discuss the Zwol comic. (Random yammering also allowed.)

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Eric F Myers
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La trahison de Zwol

Post by Eric F Myers »

That's great, David. It's good to see you drawing stuff again. I like the "This is not Johnathan" line.
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Post by losttoy »

It was back in late October when Greg was doing his cross-country thing. He stopped by one night and had dinner at my house. We really did not do much, but there we were; the creator of Zwol and the writer of Nouveau Chemin sitting at the table together. Not only that, but we had each used ourselves as a character in the Zwol storyline, him as "the artist" and me as Jonathan. It was a picture worthy moment, so my wife took one.

I thought it would be funny to parody Scott McCloud?s interpretation of Magritte?s ?Treachery of Images? so instead of just posting the photo, I illustrated the scene adding the pipe and the mug. In fact, there really was NOT a pipe there.

After the fact I wonder about ?This is not Jonathan? line. Maybe that is Jonathan, because all he is IS ink and digital pixels. So is that Jonathan? Is that a self-portrait? Or is it both?

This illustration only took a couple of days to draw, but it took me this much time to get around doing it. I love illustrating and managed to post some new illustrations on my site. As for actual comics, I am not sure on. I have been doing more writing. Mostly essays that I am submitting to various publications. I would illustrate them, but there is just too much personal bullshit attached to these stories, so I know I would never finish them. I thought about actually sending them to you (Eric) to illustrate since you did that Blu journal entry. However I figured you already had too much stuff on your plate as it is.

Anyways, I am glad you enjoyed the Not A Comic, I sure enjoyed it. Thanks Greg for posting it!
Jason Alderman
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Zwol just loves the Treachery of Images.

Post by Jason Alderman »

I think we're all inspired by the Scott McCloud look at the <a href=" ... ">Magritte painting</a>.

Zwol just loves the <a href=" ... eachery</a> <a href="">of</a> Images.

And now we've got a triptych! ;)

Good comic, David!
and ...

Post by and ... »
