webcomics tribute to the victims of 9-11

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webcomics tribute to the victims of 9-11

Post by japanimationfist »

I just got out of bed, because I had this idea, and I thought that I would bring it to you all right away, before I forgot about it, or put it off. I was trying to think of a way of acknowledging the anniversary of 9-11 in my comic for Wednesday, when I realized that a lot of people were probably thinking the same thing, and it occured to me that we share a lot on these forums, and maybe this was something we could share too.

What I am proposing is a thread (in the webcomic jams, or where ever Greg deems most appropriate)where everyone could post an image, or link to an image for this Wednesday. Personal messages, drawings, webcomics, whatever, that represent the range of emotions that this anniversary will no doubt bring close to the surface.

I'd like to have Greg's thoughts on the matter, but I felt like this would be the best place to do something like this. What do you think?
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Greg Stephens
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Post by Greg Stephens »

If anybody wants to, then please feel free to go ahead and share.
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Post by japanimationfist »

Thanks Greg. I know that like everything else in the age of hype and over-exposure, some people will have had enough already, but I had this image in my head, and though I am not an American, and didn't know anyone directly affected, I felt like sharing it. Maybe other will feel like-wise.

I've started a thread here, and I've posted the first image.
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