Flash..vs photoshop? Zot?

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Flash..vs photoshop? Zot?

Post by Genshi »

I was really floored by the lovely art in Zot!
If I might ask, which program was used? At times it looks like flash.. at other photoshop...

Anyone else please feel free to mention which you perfer and missives like to use a WACOM or scan...

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Post by japanimationfist »

Not having either one of those programs I have been working with Fireworks and Freehand, and making use of a wacom tablet that I love very much. I really like the prgrams I am using now, but I must admit I find Flash pretty intriguing. What's it run for?
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Post by losttoy »

I believe that Scott McCloud did the Zot comics that are found on the web in photoshop ... as he said in his site's FAQ
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Post by gazorenzoku »

japanimationfist wrote:I really like the prgrams I am using now, but I must admit I find Flash pretty intriguing. What's it run for?
I went to the Macromedia web site to check that price, but some of their pages are being updated or are down or something, so I couldn't get a hold of the price. I think it's around US$600 or so, though. But, there is an educator's discount that is the same price as the student's discount, and you might be able to apply for that. You apply by printing out an application from their site, filling it in with a pen, and faxing it or taking it in to a store that sells software. They usually have to order these "education versions", so it will take a week or so to get it.

Check out info about Flash at:

For web comics, I used to use Photoshop. Now I mainly use Flash, cause it's so much fun... though there is a lot that Flash can not do that Photoshop can do. I use a wacom tablet, and wouldn't even consider working on the computer without one! I sometimes use it just for surfing the net and such. I love my tablet! Who wants to use a mouse for anything anymore? ...except to right click on something....

The great thing about making a graphic on Flash is that you can choose to export it at 72 dpi for the web.... OR, you can export that same graphic at 300+ dpi for printing!!! That kind of versitality just can't be had with Photoshop. And, yes, though I suppose Illustrator can do much the same thing, for some reason it just isn't as good of a drawing software... even though it is more expensive than Flash!!

Not to mention all the animation features you can add to your online comics with Flash, like speech balloons that pop up when you mouse over the panels or panels that enlarge when you click on them....

I have to go calm down now...

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