My Personal Push Poll

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William G
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My Personal Push Poll

Post by William G »

Head on over and vote. Because voting is a sign of a true democracy
Rip Tanion
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Post by Rip Tanion »

Now that's just plain silly.

What the heck is a Neo-Con anyway? I know it's short for Neo-Conservative...but just what is a Neo-Conservative?
"Park the beers, and grab the smiles. It's flight time." - LtCdr. J. Robert "Bobby" Stone, USN (R.I.P.)
William G
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Post by William G »

A regular old conservative is someone who's more financially conservative. They support policies that keep their money in their own pockets. But they are willing to accept the changes society brings as long as their bottom line isnt adversely affected.

Neo Cons think that the best way to do this is to roll back every advance society has made in the last 100 years. They usually have tight links with the religious right in america. Pat Buchanan is the most open of them.

Bush believes all of the same nonsence Buchanan does, he's just a better politician and candy-coats it.

Conservative= Likes money, wants to keep it. Wiling to roll with the times.

Neo-Con= Think the best way to make America strong is to get rid of the people they dont like: Homos, women, etc...
Rip Tanion
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Post by Rip Tanion »

To quote Max Kellerman, "Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

First of all Buchanan and Bush are about as distant from each other as Seoul is from New Brunswick.

Neoconservatism vs Paleoconservatism
While I don't agree completely with the assessments given in the above links, they're certainly more acurate than the ignorant, left-wing myths you're putting forth.

Of course, you can believe what you want to believe, no matter how wrong it is. That's your right.

I just thought your push poll was a lame, and juvenile attempt at satire.

Here's a funny, juvenile attempt at satire. :D
"Park the beers, and grab the smiles. It's flight time." - LtCdr. J. Robert "Bobby" Stone, USN (R.I.P.)
Eric F Myers
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Post by Eric F Myers »

I don't know, Rip, baby eating is a serious issue. I, for one, would never support a baby eater. I know no one want to talk about it, but the public needs to speak up about their ideals and what kind of man that they would want running their lives.
William G
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Post by William G »

they're certainly more acurate than the ignorant, left-wing myths you're putting forth.
Seems like someone's leanings are peeking out there.

I admit to my mistakes. All conservatives hate homos, not just neo-cons.

And while you may want to call it Liberal ignorance, it's more of a case of using the same sort of underhanded smear tactics the right has been using since ...oh, say, Reagan reared his greasy head.

I admit that it doesnt make me a better person, I see why the right prefers to demonize like that. It makes you feel good. I'm just taking the lessons I learned from O'Riely, Hannity, Drudge, Limbaugh, and the Swiftboat vets and applying it to my own world view.

Besides, if you're into baby-eating, you should have the courage to stand up and say so. Come out of the closet, so to speak.
Rip Tanion
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Post by Rip Tanion »

To quote the late, GREAT Ronald Reagan, "Well, there you go again"

Becks, Becks, Becks. So angry. So filled with hatred and intolerance for opposing political views. So consumed by your own predjudices. I like you, son, but you really should lighten up.

And making lame baby eating jokes, while jihadist thugs torture and murder school children in Russia, is just a bit of bad taste.

Peeking through? There's no peeking here. I'm a rock-ribbed All-American conservative, and proud of it.

Smear tactics? The left has been smearing Bush since he announced his candidacy four or five years ago. And now John "Harvey Dent" Kerry has hired on James "The Viper" Carville, and Paul "Snively Smurf" Begalla, who are the kings of smear. Not to mention Kitty "Trash-Talk" Kelly getting three days on the Today Show to plug her latest toilet-paper tome of unfounded allegations, and Dan Blather standing behind documents slamming Bush's National Guard service, that are looking more, and more like forgeries everyday. Talk about pot calling kettle black. Talk about the desperation of a losing cause.

I could get into a whole pissing match about this, but I won't. I'm too busy. And besides - Bush is pulling ahead of Kerry in the polls everyday. Face it, he's getting re-elected. And this time, I don't think will it even be close. He might even win New York.

And no, all conservatives don't hate "homos". Back when I tended bar, I never turned them away (they sometimes spilled over from the gay-bar on the next block), so long as they "behaved" themselves. They usually left the best tips.
"Park the beers, and grab the smiles. It's flight time." - LtCdr. J. Robert "Bobby" Stone, USN (R.I.P.)
William G
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Post by William G »

Rip Tanion wrote:To quote the late, GREAT Ronald Reagan, "Well, there you go again"
I love the revisionism in regards to Reagan. Great personality, yes. Great on TV? Yup. Great man who destroyed communism, no. Russia fell apart quite nicely without his help. He just happened to be president at the time. Hell, if they had held out two more years, Bush Sr. would be "The Man Who Ended The Cold War"(tm)

But it's completely irrelivent here, so let's move on.
So angry.
Nice to see you bring out the character assassination guns early on.

Trust me, I've dealt with rightists online for a long time now. Your "political discussions" consists of red herrings, misinformation and character assassinations and nothing else.

For example, the following.
So filled with hatred and intolerance for opposing political views. So consumed by your own predjudices.
This would be the opposite of true. But this line always amuses me because the one thing a leftist hates more than anything is to be accused of being unfair to another's view. After all, that's one of the main thrusts of being a leftie. Rightists know this and have aslso realized that it;s a major weakness in the leftie's armor.

And like Rip here, they exploit it mercilessly. It's an effective "Shut up" tactic.
And making lame baby eating jokes, while jihadist thugs torture and murder school children in Russia, is just a bit of bad taste.
This is classic misdirection coupled with character assassination. It's favored by fellows like Rush and O'riely and the rest of the clown on Fox News.

What it does is suggests to the casual reader that I have either made jokes in refernce to the Russian tragedy, or I am uncaring about the Russian school tragedy. Now the thing is, neither my push poll nor the brutal murder of those children are related in anyway, that's where the misdirection comes in. But by connecting them to me, Rip has also in effect connected me to those killers. (Who, may I add, have not been identified as Islamo fascists by anyone other than Putin who is also using this same tactic to draw attention away from his chronic habit of murdering of his own people to get to terrorists)

And the thing is, this isnt an actual connect the dots with information type of connections than links the Bushes with the House Of Saud (befriending terrorists since the 1970s), this is simply there to strengthen his political dogma by calling my character into question.

I dont blame you for using it Rip. It's a very effective weapon. I mean, it managed to keep most of the people who would have kept America from entering Vietnam V.2... sorry, Iraq.... silent until it was too late.

Clinton also forced a regime change of a brutal, opressive, genocidal maniac, and he did it without losing a single soldier.

Then again, Clinton had a plan. Bush didnt and still doesnt.

Do you feel proud Rip? Please dismiss it by telling me that soldiers know what could happen to them when they sign up. Does this man's pain seem worth it to you simply because your "Side" has control of the White House and doesnt give a crap about anything other than maintaining their position?

I'm just asking the hard questions here Rip. This is The Better Bill's No Spin Zone, so please be honest.
I'm a rock-ribbed All-American conservative, and proud of it.
I figured that out already. Thanks for the ride down the highway of the obvious there.
Smear tactics? The left has been smearing Bush since he announced his candidacy four or five years ago.
Hmm... let's see. Are we talking about the same "left" that spent the majority or the 2000 election harping on Gore's "Inventing the internet" instead of the underhanded push-poll that removed a much more respectable man like McCain out of the running?

The same left that made little mention of the problems with the Florida vote until months after it was too late?

The same left that rallied behind the president after 9/11, and didnt raise one peep against his policies until that foolish move to invade Iraq?

Of course, the left dislikes Bush, but I've yet to see any out-right lies made against him like him ordering the murder of two boys, that he gutted the military (both claims of the right made against Clinton that were factually incorrect) or that he did not earn his medals in Vietnam, and in effect he's a traitor for speaking out against the war when he returned. Oh that traitor, using the very free speach he enlisted to protect.

Do the Swift Boat ads make you feel proud to be a rightist, or do they simply give you a savage thrill to see a man who's committed the crime of being in the wrong political party have his service slapped in his face?
Dan Blather
See, here's how I know you're a Hannity zombie. Dan Rather has been an icon of journalistic integrity for at least my life time. A typical rightist tactic is to claim that their views are the moderate views of the American, and that ACTUAL moderate news broadcasters like Rather are labeled at extremists.

Please, tell me about the liberal media. That's my second favorite rightist joke after "Fair And Balanced"
standing behind documents slamming Bush's National Guard service, that are looking more, and more like forgeries everyday.
This is also the opposite of true. More like wishful thinking on your part.
Talk about the desperation of a losing cause.
When this has anything to do with anything, let me know.
I could get into a whole pissing match about this, but I won't.
They call this a lie where I come from. I realize you wouldnt recognize it if you take Bush as your role-model. You already have. You're simply saying this because you really have nothing else to add... aside for the same rhetoric phrased in a new way.
Face it, he's getting re-elected.
Quite possible. Kerry has done nothing but sit there and serve as the right's whipping boy. That's the big problem with most of the American left, they're simply unwilling to do the same sort of thuggish attacks. And it's not because they're too moral, no politician has morals. So I have no idea what's been stopping him.
And this time, I don't think will it even be close.
I'd consider this wishful thinking unless everyone is so disgusted by this election like they were in 2000 that they dont vote. Which would be a shame, because Bush won the election with under a quarter of all possible voters. The majority are NOT on your side.

But they do fear you.
And no, all conservatives don't hate "homos". Back when I tended bar, I never turned them away (they sometimes spilled over from the gay-bar on the next block), so long as they "behaved" themselves. They usually left the best tips.
So, you're the classic conservative I mentioned that likes anyone that can make them money? I respect that.

Let's lay out some simple facts for you:

1) The Clinton White House knew that Bin Ladin was a threat. But since they didnt have enough information to convict him with, they couldnt act. (They call it the law where I'm from.)

2) They handed all of their information over to the Junta in 2000. The Junta ignored all of Clarke's warnings because, even though he knows more about terrorism than the CIA and FBI combined, he commited the crime of working for Clinton.

3) Three years ago this week thousands in NYC were murdered by the same people the Junta were warned about, that they ignored.

4) Bush blew up Afghanistan. Then handed the rebuilding effort over to the UN. The Talibahn are still active, and Osama was never found.

5) Bush blew up Iraq with no exit plan and little evidence. Trying to hand the rebuilding over to the UN. Clusterfuck continues.

The "War President" is a failure. And he's dragging everyone down to Hell with him.

Anyway, it simply doesnt matter who wins this election. America is fucked, and it's fucked itself. I read someone refer to America as Israel v2, and man, did that ever ring true. Bush has managed to polarize the entire world, anyone who comes in after him will be unable to take steps to ease tensions between the west and the Islamo Fascist world. If anything, he's pushed more people into their arms.

Four more years? If we make it that long without New York getting blown up by one of those missing Soviet era nukes, which is another something a Bush dropped the ball on big time.

I hope you'll be able to keep smiling over an election win should that occur Rip.

Keep smiling away.
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Post by Greg Stephens »

OK, Rip, now you've gone and brought up one of my favorite talking points and I've just got to point out that you're wrong, dead wrong, absolutely wrong:
Rip Tanion wrote:.... documents slamming Bush's National Guard service, that are looking more, and more like forgeries everyday.
"Every day." Two words. To make matters worse, what you really mean is "with each day," but we'll let that slide. "Everyday" as one word means commonplace or ordinary. It does not mean daily. I see this error all over the internet with increasing regularity and it makes me weep for the state of the world. And you call yourself an American? My, my.
Good morning! That's a nice tnetennba.
Rip Tanion
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Post by Rip Tanion »

Aw, come on, Greg. I'll be the first to admit, my grammer and spelling can be horrendous at times. I know the rules, but I always seem to forget them when I write or type. My typing is even worse. People have accused me of typing with my toes. If you had any sympathy for me, you'd put a spellchecker on this forum. :cry:

Besides, where I come from, it's what you say, not how you say it.

Jesus, Matty, and Felipe, Becks! Wow, what a tirade. You can lump me in with all conservatives if you want...but man if you don't sound like the typical lefty. You drinking the Goofy Grape or Jolly Olly Orange? I've heard all these ridiculous, laughable, and inaccurate arguments before. Did you copy and paste that rant from Is George Soros funding your website? (That's a joke, son.)

And no, I wasn't accusing you of making light of what happened in Beslan. I just thought your joke was lousy, and so was the the timing. I'm sure that timing was purely coincidental.

As for Dan Rather, anybody who can't get along with the lovely and talented Connie Chung must be a asshole. :P
Oh, and check this out.

And no, I'm not trying to tell you to shut up. I wouldn't dream of it. I don't think I could if I tried. Keeps posting your left-wing rants. I love reading them. They're great comedy.
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Post by Amerigo »

I have always admired Republicans for their ability to stand united and firmly behind their man, no matter how much of a colossal failure that man(or woman) is. This is real respect - it gives them unusual clout, I was ready to convert to the Republican party until Bush's administration took office... Now we have good men supporting a very bad bunch of policies.

Here are some things that are undisputed fact so we won't get bogged down in the silly arguments that political pundits waste our time about:

- Gay marriage is not the biggest problem facing the U.S. today.

- The largest number of personal bankruptcies in U.S. history occured last year.

- The job market is the worst in almost 30 years in terms of quality and number of jobs vs. inflation regardless of whether you compare this year and last year or not.

- No health care reform bill has been written or presented to the U.S. Congress for consideration from the current administration.

- There is a huge lawsuit pending in my home state alone over blatant disregard for water pollution over the last few years by EPA officials.

- If President Bush ever set foot in Vietnam it was because he was on vacation. As a sidenote - does anyone really think this has bearing on his current ability to lead (Vietnam happened a long time ago and stuff)?

- Over 1,000 Americans have died in Iraq. Many more thousands of Iraqi's have died, including women and children. Not one single Iraqi has come forward to thank us. 'Democracy' is not anywhere on the horizon in Iraq's immediate future.

- No one has a good plan for getting out of Iraq.

- No one is safer. (this one can probably be argued, but defense experts and the department of homeland security have recently come to many conclusions about our system that point to this one)

- We have alienated several dozen countries and crushed much of the UN's credibility as an international body.

- These problems are also caused by many things outside the Administration - people give the President too much "credit".

My opinion is that the current administration has failed us. Bush seems like a likable fellow but how the hell does Rumsfeld still have a job?? How did McCain lose to a coke head (if he hadn't done coke why would he not deny it? Someone was taking notes when Clinton got busted for perjury...).

In my perfect world we would be firing the whole damn Congress this Fall along with everyone in the White House. I am starting to think that trained monkeys would do a better job than those greedy SOBs.

Kerry may seem like a sorry excuse for a leader but he has one credential that will get my vote this Fall - he has not yet had the chance to fail us... and it is very hard to imagine anyone doing a worse job than what we have right now.
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William G
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Post by William G »

Rip Tanion wrote:Keeps posting your left-wing rants. I love reading them. They're great comedy.
I'd have respected you more if you had the honesty to admit that you really have no reply. I mean, you're great at the tried and true right winged, "He dosnt agree with me because he's an extremist, and crazy." method of debate. But it simply amounts to you admiting you dont really think about politics, you just mouth what Fox News tells you like a good little drone. And like the rest of the character assassination methods used by you guys, it's very effective.

I hope the thrill of Bush winning keeps you warm when you get downsized.
I have always admired Republicans for their ability to stand united and firmly behind their man, no matter how much of a colossal failure that man(or woman) is. This is real respect - it gives them unusual clout, I was ready to convert to the Republican party until Bush's administration took office... Now we have good men supporting a very bad bunch of policies.
Bush has done a lousy job, and anywhere in the world an elected official botches things up as badly as he did gets the boot the next election.

Rightists look at politics like they do sports. It doesnt matter that Bush has spent more money than any of those fabled "tax and spend" liberals. It doesnt matter that he sent troops into Vietnam version 2 without a viable exit plan. He's the captain of the team, and the team has to win.
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