TITLE IMPROV: "All-Purpose Correction Fluid"

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TITLE IMPROV: "All-Purpose Correction Fluid"

Post by Greg Stephens »

Born from a suggestion in the Morning Improv forum, the idea here is this:

Create a comic (not just one panel, but an entire comic with a beginning, middle & end) of your own using the title "All-Purpose Correction Fluid."

This is a title that was suggested for Scott McCloud's Morning Improv experiment by the (in?)famous Ned Lem. Scott doesn't think he'll be using this title (having used one of Ned's suggestions already) and has offered up for everyone and anyone to take a crack at.

Thanks to Ned for the title, Scott for passing it along and forum member IMNNML for suggesting the idea of Rashomon-style improvs in the first place.

As always, this may be any subject matter in any style. If you even want to take the McCloudian Morning Improv approach of creating one panel a day (or as much as you can get done) then go ahead.

OK- let's see some comics, people!
Last edited by Greg Stephens on Tue Jul 09, 2002 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Amigakid »

I have a comic that I want to post, but nowhere to host it. Are there any free webservers that allow outside links?
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Greg Stephens
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Post by Greg Stephens »

Hm. I don't know the answer to that question off the top of my head, but I can offer an alternative. If anybody's got an "All-Purpose Correction Fluid" comic and noplace to post it, email it to me (providing it's not too large, please) and I'll host it.
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Jack Masters
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Post by Jack Masters »

I made one, you can view it at this location:


It doesn't make a ton of sense!
<a href="Http://CastleZZT.net/">House of Stairs</a>
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Post by Greg Stephens »

Makes sense to me.
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Post by Algorithm »

Greetings; first time caller, long time listener.

Here's my submission: <a href="http://www.undefined.net/apcf/">http:// ... t/apcf/</a>
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all purpose, indeed.

Post by zinereem »

Howdy, my name's Roy. I'm pretty new to the actual act of comic creation, but regardless, here's my submission...

<a href="http://www.dinosaurmoonpark.com/random/fluid.gif"><img src="http://www.dinosaurmoonpark.com/random/ ... n.gif"></a>
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Post by Wikkit »

Ha! Great job, Roy.
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Post by Greg Stephens »

OK, so Nathaniel "IMNNML" Posner has emailed me a comic based on this title. Follow the link to read it: http://www.zwol.org/images/sometimesapencil.gif

In his email to me he said:
IMNNML wrote:Since I suggested this jam I have been feeling the pressure to submit something.
My first idea was to do a strip about the Janitorial staff at a correctional facility and the miraculous powers of some Windex. Unfortunately I'm too busy for such an involved project at the moment. So here is my lamely uninventive response. Maybe after Scott's class next week I'll be inspired to try again.
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Post by zinereem »

Thanks, Wikkit. That's effectively my second comic ever. I've been doing crappy little doodles for as long as I can remember, so I've decided to try to make something productive out of them.[/quote]
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Post by Fortunato »

Behold! My strange creation based on the title provided! As you may notice, it is a photo comic, since A) I don't have a scanner and B) I can't draw worth a damn. I do however have a digital camera, and I made good use of it here.


P.S. I think that's the most sophisticated dialouge britney's ever gonna speak, eh?

PPS Yes, that's me. Yes, that's the place where I live (the "Background"). You gotta problem with that?
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Post by Wikkit »

AAHH! Britney is eight feet tall!

Another good one. I guess I ought to do one now. I'm having a hard time convincing myself to not do a generic dolphin pun.
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My comic.

Post by Amigakid »

Well, this was supposed to be the first comic, completed a scant hour after the jam opened. The best laid plans often barg agly.

<IMG ALT="" BORDER=0 SRC="http://bandc.keenspace.com/comics/20020806.jpg" WIDTH="509" HEIGHT="600">
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Post by Kris Lachowski »

I just noticed that this forum is retired, so i don't know if this post will go through, but here's my All-Purpose Correction Fluid Comic:

I drew with pencil on black construction paper and then "inked" it with white correction fluid, and I didn't notice until i was halfway done with the comic that I was drawing captain haddock.

Sorry about the pop-ups :-?

Oh and if anyone actually happens to stumble back in here and read it, tell me what you think.