Artist seeking work

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Artist seeking work

Post by JPascal »

I have responded to a few of the posts here on the site, but I simply mean to promote myself. I am very traditional in my methods, meaning pencil and ink, but I also incorporate digital medium into my work when either necessary or I'm trying to achieve a desired effect that cannot be done with traditional methods.

I have a style that leans toward realism, but I can do cartoony and noir type stuff. Even after saying this I do not have any definitive "style" I try to deversify. I would love to do some work outside of my comfort zone, such as giant transforming robots to devilish little imps and perhaps even fantasy/adventure story telling. I am interested in doing graphic novels, one-shots, cover art, an even an on going series.

If you have a project or idea you would like to collaborate and develop, or maybe you simply need some cover art for your book...anything, then you may need to look no further. Also, since I am a college student and know that a creators budget can often be minimal I do not expect to get rich right off the rip. I do not expect to get rich at all, I simply seek exposure at this point. However, anyone offering payment for art work is definitely welcome!!! I also would consider developing a story or series, without pay, with the goal of getting published.

You may contact me by replying to this post or email
if you have any questions, would like to see samples of my work, or simply want to yammer about, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with YOU.

Note: I am a serious artist with serious ambitions, I want to share my passion with others who...share my passion :) I am also not above doing small projects for fun, not to mention sometimes free.

J Pascal
Artist for Hire (sort of :wink: )
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Re: Artist seeking work

Post by CasiusBMG »

Hello JPascal I'm an aspiring creative writer and a college student myself. I've been seriously writing every since the summer of 2007 and i actually have a couple of stories I've been working on that I wouldn't mind sharing since I got a poor-man's-copyright for them through the mail. One of them is sort of a superhero genre that I hope to be a comic entitled Blue Stallion and the other is a pirate story that I'm just writing right now. I like the fact that you have a realistic style of drawing because that's exactly what I would prefer for one of my stories but I'm very flexible concerning drawing styles or even story development it's just as long as you LOVE to draw and can DRAW WELL I'm game for working with you on whatever as a writer. If you want to talk more on this just hit me up on here or at me e-mail address at
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Very interested.

Post by Inkwell »

I was wondering if your free to work with a writer on a series or even a single project? If so, you can e-mail me at
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