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Submissions Are Open!!

Post by MarkusStan »

That's right! We've had several inquiries, some time has passed, books are being made and are on sale...


We want to see YOUR good idea! PLEASE follow the submission guidelines below. Not following the guidelines will be deemed unprofessional and will impact your submission.

Thank you for taking an interest in us!

Good Ideas Comics Submission Guidelines

No. Since we want to publish comic books, we want to see the art that will accompany the story! If you send a pitch/idea without art, the submission will be deleted.

Good Ideas Comics wants to publish creator-owned material. All monies, if any, for the creative team's work should be discussed between the creative team.
Good Ideas Comics will pay royalties, if any, on a quarterly schedule. All creative team members are required to have a Paypal account to receive any royalty distribution.

All Good Ideas Comics are digital-first. We have an exclusive agreement with DriveThru Comics regarding all digital books.
Good Ideas Comics believes that digital comics should be cheaper than paper comics and is one of the few things that we will control if we accept your submission.
Good Ideas Comics will take a small fee per digital issue sold and the rest is paid out to the creative team as royalties.
Print books are an option and there are several ways to go about it, if you choose that you want your book in print. These options will be discussed if we want to publish your book.

Ideally, Good Ideas Comics would like to see a minimum of 5 finished pages (lettered & colored, if pitching a color book), a 1 page synopsis of the story you want to tell and the script for the first issue. Entire package should be sent as a .pdf. You can send the pages as a .pdf and the synopsis and script as Word or .rtf documents.
Good Ideas Comics is only looking to publish single issue stories or stories with a beginning, middle and end that span 3 or 4 issues. We won't rule out publishing a longer run but the story really has to blow us away!
Please don't send super-hero pitches. There are literally dozens of other publishers, both large and small, that publish super-hero books and, honestly, we don't think there's a super-hero pitch out there that we haven't seen done to death already.
Other than that, any genre, any rating.

Creators retain 100% of all intellectual, merchandising, film, television, video game, etc. rights.
Good Ideas Comics will only own publishing and distribution rights.
At any time, Creators can cut ties with Good Ideas Comics by giving us a 3 month notice in writing.

Good Ideas Comics will make sure the size dimensions of the book are correct for standard comic size (7" x 10.5"). Good Ideas Comics can handle all cover layout elements (not cover design), logo placements, pricing and barcoding (if necessary).
Good Ideas Comics also offers lettering services for $150 per issue for standard comic books. Graphic novels are priced depending on page count.

You are required to actively promote your title on social media (twitter, facebook, reddit, etc.). Good Ideas Comics WILL promote your book through our Facebook, web site and Twitter accounts and through ads in our books both in print and digital.

All packets and any inquiries can be sent to ALL submissions will receive a reply and the waiting time will vary between a month and 3 months, depending on volume.

Thank you for your interest in Indy comics and in Good Ideas Comics! We look forward to seeing your creations and publishing some good comics! ... eas-Comics
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Post by zuperkrypto »

Question, on a monthly basis, how many comics are you guys selling?
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Post by PatriciaLoupee »

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Post by MarkusStan »

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Post by Ricco »

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hows my drawing???

Post by RobertErdody »

So what service or services are you offering??? like editing or lettering do you have any thing out already
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Post by zuperkrypto »

I'm sorry but the people at Good Ideas Comics need to revise their post and try again. I am sure you guys mean well but this whole thing sounds almost like a scam. I'll tell you why.

Most of your post is pretty much copy/paste from the Image submission guidelines. When I asked about how many units you were moving per month, I received a PM telling me that you guys are [selling]" what you would expect a small publisher who doesn't go through Diamond (or any distributor) or Comixology to sell." So if you won't share your sales numbers, why in the world would I take my comic to you?What would be the advantage of having you publish my book?

Then you wrote that you have an exclusive deal with DriveThru Comics. Okay. Why would I care about that since anyone can create an account there and start selling their book in like 4 minutes. So again, why would I want to give up part of my profits to you?

Next you say, "You are required to actively promote your title on social media (twitter, facebook, reddit, etc.). Good Ideas Comics WILL promote your book through our Facebook, web site and Twitter accounts and through ads in our books both in print and digital." That sounds all great but if you don't want to share sales numbers because they probably don't exist, then why would anyone bother!

Last but not least you say no super-hero pitches. Yet the top selling comics month after month are about superheroes. The superhero genre is all over the place when it comes to movies and TV and it's making billions. So please explain how superheroes is a bad idea.

Again, I am sure you guys mean well but you should put more thought into your sales pitch.
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Re: hows my drawing???

Post by MarkusStan »

RobertErdody wrote:So what service or services are you offering??? like editing or lettering do you have any thing out already
Robert, Good Ideas has 5 comics out digitally, 1 in print and another one about to be printed. You can check out all the links at the bottom of the guidelines.

As per the guidelines, we make sure your book is correctly sized when we send it to the printer, we do all logo placing, editing and lettering, if need be.
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Post by MarkusStan »

zuperkrypto wrote:I'm sorry but the people at Good Ideas Comics need to revise their post and try again. I am sure you guys mean well but this whole thing sounds almost like a scam. I'll tell you why.

Most of your post is pretty much copy/paste from the Image submission guidelines. When I asked about how many units you were moving per month, I received a PM telling me that you guys are [selling]" what you would expect a small publisher who doesn't go through Diamond (or any distributor) or Comixology to sell." So if you won't share your sales numbers, why in the world would I take my comic to you?What would be the advantage of having you publish my book?

Then you wrote that you have an exclusive deal with DriveThru Comics. Okay. Why would I care about that since anyone can create an account there and start selling their book in like 4 minutes. So again, why would I want to give up part of my profits to you?

Next you say, "You are required to actively promote your title on social media (twitter, facebook, reddit, etc.). Good Ideas Comics WILL promote your book through our Facebook, web site and Twitter accounts and through ads in our books both in print and digital." That sounds all great but if you don't want to share sales numbers because they probably don't exist, then why would anyone bother!

Last but not least you say no super-hero pitches. Yet the top selling comics month after month are about superheroes. The superhero genre is all over the place when it comes to movies and TV and it's making billions. So please explain how superheroes is a bad idea.

Again, I am sure you guys mean well but you should put more thought into your sales pitch.
Sir, I apologize that we're not a professional outlet that you would be more interested in. As a small Indy company, we're interested in giving beginners a possible publishing outlet. Can anyone publish their books in this day and age? Sure they can! If they're willing to do the work. Otherwise, that's what publishers are for.

A scam would be Good Ideas soliciting submissions without publishing a single book, with no web presence. I've shared all the links at the bottom of the guidelines to REAL sites that sell REAL books.

Speaking of the guidelines, I don't know what Image's guidelines are but if they're exactly like mine then I guess I'm doing something right! I can honestly tell you that I did not copy Image's guidelines.

As for sales figures, what does it matter whether I've sold 1 copy or 1000? Does it make me any less of a publisher? Am I scamming people because I don't reveal sales #'s? Small Indy publishers don't start out selling thousands or even hundreds of copies. It's all about establishing a library and longevity.

If you'd like to discuss this with me in person, I'll be at Heroes and Villains Comics in Cortland, NY on Dec 3. Selling some Good Ideas Comics and scamming the public. ;)
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Post by noonecomics »

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Post by zuperkrypto »

Really. You really just posted that it doesn't matter how much you're selling. SMH. It does matter. If I have my comic a website and I'm selling x amount of copies per month, why would I give up a percentage to you just to make less sales?

And by the way, saying that you are not professional enough does not help you.
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Post by MarkusStan »

zuperkrypto wrote:Really. You really just posted that it doesn't matter how much you're selling. SMH. It does matter. If I have my comic a website and I'm selling x amount of copies per month, why would I give up a percentage to you just to make less sales?

And by the way, saying that you are not professional enough does not help you.
You wouldn't. If you're selling a hundred+ copies on a regular basis through your website then stay with that.

I never said I wasn't professional enough. That's your interpretation of what I said. Are we a big corporation like Marvel and DC? Of course not. I just don't understand the venom I'm getting from you from a simple post?
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Post by zuperkrypto »

Venom? If potential customers are not asking the questions I've asked then they don't really know anything about business.
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Post by PatriciaLoupee »

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Post by Ruyei »

MarkusStan wrote:
You wouldn't. If you're selling a hundred+ copies on a regular basis through your website then stay with that.

I never said I wasn't professional enough. That's your interpretation of what I said. Are we a big corporation like Marvel and DC? Of course not. I just don't understand the venom I'm getting from you from a simple post?
Honestly Markus does have some points. Not that I would say that you are in the wrong, and Markus isn't even saying that either, but that he's frustrated that you simply aren't addressing some of his questions.

You state "...anyone [can] publish their books in this day and age..." and then state "we're not a professional outlet" which diminishes your credibility. I know what you meant to say, which was that you aren't an established dealer like Image with a big name of any sort, but "professionalism" does not mean that you're big, but that you have a mindset towards making things "big" within your means. For me I'm a professional scripter. Although I have been scripting for 9 years, I only started taking on paid work the Summer before last. However, I act "professional" by meeting deadlines, communicating well, and generally get the job done in a predictable manner. That is the image you should try to cultivate in your posts, and saying that you're "not a professional outlet" does not help you.

Marcus also states that you won't give sales figures privately, as he has asked and you stated a a generality "what you would expect a small publisher who doesn't go through Diamond (or any distributor) or Comixology to sell." And quote or not when pressed with that issue again you simply stated "As for sales figures, what does it matter whether I've sold 1 copy or 1000?" which is not up front with us. It's understandable that your sales may be low and that you may not want to share them in a public forum (which was not what Markus was asking) but if you are unwilling to even share these details privately over e-mail that is not being honest with us. Cause truthfully even if your sales are, like, 100 for one book, at least we know, and some people wouldn't mind that and would consider it a bonus for them starting out. Not bothering to share these figures in a circumstance that does not include meeting you in person is not good for a business transaction in my opinion.

As for his issue with your post taking points from Image, you did address that quite well and notice that Markus did not bring that up again. Something I've noticed is that a LOT of companies use the same basic text, even copy and pasting. I remember for a while the submission guidelines for APE Entertainment were found almost verbatim in my other indie places, which was insane. Still, the fact you brought up that companies often share the same values illustrated a good point and as I said, Markus seemed to understand your position.

Markus's "Venom" stems from as I said, there's still some issues that he was trying to help you correct that you haven't addressed, and then you start taking the ideology that he has an emotional issue with you by stating "That's your interpretation of what I said" as if you're talking to down to him rather than addressing his concerns. This is why he's frustrated. He has no ill will towards you guys, even if he does come across as aggressive by accusing you of seeming like a scam.

I hope this helps you guys out, you both are well meaning. I will say this, if you are unable to support page rates you will have difficulty. For example, I have a project that's in the pitching stages, and I need to pay my team to finish our GN if that's to come to pass. Simply saying there'll be sales possibly when we finish doesn't help us with our day to day.

Robert Finch/ Ruyei
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heres the deal

Post by RobertErdody »

no matter what you post on here people are generally dickheads home boy is probably all but hurt cause you got a comic book company and he doesnt
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To the contrary

Post by Ruyei »

I'd state instead that he's frustrated by not getting answers to his questions, even if he was somewhat visibly agitated about it. He asked a few questions and did not get all his answers.

Please don't villanize people :)

Robert Finch

915F Fairway Wood

Post by Dakotalu »

Titleist 915F Fairway Wood for Sale In time, the GCS was the place to turn to for research and understanding about the way golf life used to be. It’s a multinational group whose membership was in the 2,000s at one point but now stands at 860 and is suffering from the Internet cutting in on its grip of being the authority on all things vintage. How to grow the membership was a big discussion topic at the gathering. For years, Riviera Country Club has campaigned for a major to return to its grounds. Though the U.S. Open and PGA Championships are not in the cards for the foreseeable future, the course known as "Hogan's Alley" could grab a wonderful consolation prize. The decision, which caught many in the golf community off guard (including some players and executives with ties to Nike), has made for some odd realities. For instance, at the marquee Tour Championship played here at East Lake Golf Club last year, Paul Casey introduced and praised a prototype of Nike’s new driver, the sleek blue-and-yellow Vapor Fly model.

Callaway X2 Hot Driver for Sale These riches are deemed grotesque by some, even if they still lag behind the peak of American team sports. It also raises a smile that the PGA Tour’s strength is endorsed immediately before the Ryder Cup, an iconic competition to which it has no commercial attachment. Perhaps the proximity of this playoff series is actually detrimental to the biennial meeting of Europe and the United States, given how narratives overlap.

Titleist 915 D3 Driver for Sale
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