Looking for an ARTIST! - Found!

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Looking for an ARTIST! - Found!

Post by Muse »

I'm a writer with a story to be told. Unfortunately, this story has no means of coming out into the world because I cannot draw comics. At all. There have been attempts, all ending catastrophically. At one point, I heavily considered just making it into a novel instead, but it's just not the sort of story that wants to be bound to words alone. And that's where you wonderfully talented people come in. =D

I'm looking for a webcomic artist (preferably one who can draw in the manga style, not just because I admire the art, but because it fits the story, in my opinion) willing to work for free. Yeah, for free, sorry. I'm still in high school and money isn't something I have on hand. If it makes you feel better, I won't be making a cent either. Think of it as a portfolio-booster. XD

To give you a brief idea of the story, it takes place in America (And a little of Mexico) in the year 2098. Technology is about the same as today's with some variations, but the population is about a fourth of what it is now, destroyed by a fast-acting, incurable disease. The story isn't so much about the state of the world as it is a coming-of-age story. It revolves around a small group of people as they try to figure out what-the-heck-is-going-on and stay alive in the meantime.

The genre is science-fiction with a dash of fantasy and is meant to have a serious tone with some humor on the side. (Something like...maybe "Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna"...*dreams*)

Um, since this is a huge block of text, I'll just summarize things, 'kay? o_o'

  • Comic Artist (Manga style preferred)
  • Must be willing to work for free (Sorry...T_T)
  • Serious-ish art style, not cartoony-cutesy
  • Someone to bounce ideas off. =3
What's the story?
  • Genre: Sci-fi, slightly fantasy
  • Set in America at the end of the 21st century, but with varied technological advancement and lowered population (Explained in storyline)
  • Revolves around a small group of characters in a sort of coming-of-age story
  • Not a lot of action...Besides the occasional kidnapping .-.
  • No nudity or language. This will be a clean webcomic!
Please PM me, send me an e-mail at legends_told@hotmail.com , or you can even catch me on deviantART (Hail-Storm). I'd love to hear from you! =D
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