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Writer and artist looking for Colorist for SPI

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:15 am
by KLJeffery
Hello everyone,

This is an update of my ealier post for an artist which I have now filled. We are now looking for a colorist to complete our team for this years Small Press Icon. I have posted the amazing prizes below. The prize money will of course be split three ways between you, the artist and the writer.

At this point it will be working on several character descriptions/concepts and a twelve page issue #0 which would then extend into a published four issue mini if we win.

I'm looking for an colorist who will be willing to commit to the full competition. Please send samples of work or a link to your portfolio to I will also put up the $25 for entry.

Look forward to seeing you talented people's work.
Thanks for reading.


Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:31 am
by KLJeffery
Thank you to those who have sent me samples already. I'm going to keep the position open for a few more hours and then make a decision. So if there is anyone else wanting to work with a published writer on their SPI comic this year then drop me a line.

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:29 am
by KLJeffery
Straight from the SPI site the prize pool so far is:

$200 sponsor pledges
$10/team that registers= $10
Dimestore/SPA Comics will print and support a 4 issue run of the comic book, option for more.
The winner will work with us to develop and release a toy based on the winning concept to coincide with the series launch. (Excited about this one)

On top of that from what I have been reading the amount of contacts and interest you can get is quite high. Obviously this depends on how much you want.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:31 am
by KLJeffery
This has been updated we are now looking for a colorist. Please see above.

Thanks Kenny