Older disabled artist looking to collab from scratch...

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Older disabled artist looking to collab from scratch...

Post by sampson »

I'm really just looking for something to focus on and give me some purpose. Nothing risky. No pressure kind of thing. Also I am not a professional and really am not into getting taken for a ride...

Generally I would like to work on something generally morally upright and lighter... Also nothing that would threaten my fragile masculinity... If you know what I mean... heheh...

I do have some ideas when it comes to characters and their backgrounds, however I am lacking in the story telling department at this time...

As far as my disability, lets just say like my drawing style, my mental state can vary slightly from time to time and is a little rough around the edges...
i.e.: Plenty of room for improvement...lol.

If that doesn't scare you then well...then you're braver than I... Just kidding... Uh, maybe. Anyways, lemme know what you think...


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Re: Older disabled artist looking to collab from scratch...

Post by scrawl-dodger »

Hey, man

I've read your post and, just like you, I'm also looking to fulfill some kind of purpose where comics is concerned. I'm an artist but I also dabble in script-writing from time to time. I'm always up for a good collab, seeing as how rare it is to find people who are willing to do so on the fly. So if you're interested, drop me a line at jeremymarshall1977@gmail.com and we can discuss any possible ventures further. Your work looks decent, I can tell you that.... don't ever give up on your art.

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Re: Older disabled artist looking to collab from scratch...

Post by JesterWriter »

Hey, not sure if you're still looking, but I am a writer/character designer (learning to ink, color and letter as well), and I have a ton of ideas that I haven't had time to flesh out but would love to work with someone to bring some things to life. Some are bare bones (name, general appearance, maybe some background), some are a short story with some basic world building ready to go bigger.

I have some short anthology stuff published a couple years ago and some more coming next year. Contact me and I'll send you some script samples and we can start talking if you are interested.

And please define "older" lol because I am 48 and been doing this awhile, and "older" to me might not mean the same as to lots of other on the interwebs.
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Re: Older disabled artist looking to collab from scratch...

Post by sampson »


Illinois 'eh. Your not too far from me actually. I am in Wisconsin. As far as my age I was expecting the younger folk to be populating this forum as I am 42. Heh.

I'm actually trying to figure out how to delete this post. I feel I am perhaps asking too much of myself given my experience and life situation.

Thanks for taking interest in my post though.
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Re: Older disabled artist looking to collab from scratch...

Post by JesterWriter »

Sorry to hear it is a bit much. I totally get that. Lost my job last August (on my son's birthday no less), got a phone call when I got home saying "Don't come in tomorrow, they eliminated your position." Six and a half years and no notice. Then when my unemployment was running out in March (250+ applications out, 2 interviews), the pandemic hit, but it took almost a full month for Unemployment Office to get things squared away and the extensions in place, and now I have one more payment coming Wednesday and nothing else. Applied over 700 jobs and had only 4 more interviews because there is a LOT of competition from the pandemic, so I totally get it.

Not to mention the friends and family I have lost to COVID, with at least 6 more currently under its grip. As a creative type, I've had to learn to live with anxiety and depression for most of my life. Even with medication. My one thing that gives me some release is writing/creating.

If you change your mind, please don't hesitate to reach out and let me know. Until then, I hope things get better for you, my friend.

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Re: Older disabled artist looking to collab from scratch...

Post by springheeledjack »

Hi Richard, If your still looking please let me know.
I'm in my mid sixties, I have written one comic, am
on my second and have plenty of ideas for many more.
I'm based in the UK.
I do like your style of work.
I DO hope you find what you are looking for NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE IN.

Take care, all the best, Paul
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