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Up-and-coming artist wanted for cyberpunk action thriller about CLIMATE CHANGE

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 10:24 pm
by VonFigment
Are you a talented artist looking to launch your career with a creator-owned comic project AND make a difference for future generations?

I’m looking for a young, up-and-coming artist who needs a writing partner with a ground-breaking narrative platform to showcase your illustration talents. Join me, and change the world!

For several years I have been working on a graphic novel and television series that will define a whole new sub-genre of science fiction: ECOPUNK.

The year is 2045. A cabal of billionaires make plans to ride out ecological collapse and Resource Wars on the world’s most advanced stealth airship – until it is brazenly commandeered by 9 of Earth’s leading Augmented Reality gamers. This is the origin story of superhero ecowarriors leading an uprising against the villany of fossil fuel billionaires and denialist elites. It’s an action-packed cyberpunk techno-thriller that takes its audiences on adventures through a living blueprint of the sustainable future we want.
